Getting out of debt is a worthy goal but difficult and challenging to achieve. If you love to spend or are accustomed to a certain lifestyle, getting out of debt can be even more of a task. But, being in debt, whether large or small, is not the end of the world. You can get out of debt with dedication and by practicing some good money managing habits below.


Think long term

Getting out of debt is a marathon, not a sprint. Trying to become debt-free in a few short months will not only leave you exhausted and frustrated, but the stress can also put your health at risk. Getting out of debt is a process that will require a lot of hours of planning and execution. It will also require you to make some changes in your lifestyle. Take it slow, and don’t expect to become debt-free overnight. Make a reasonable plan to pay off bills and credit cards and stick to it.


Get inspiration from others

Tackling large or medium-sized debt is a journey you don’t have to take alone. Get help and inspiration from others who have gotten out of debt and learned to stay out. Get in the habit of reading about others who learned to manage their money and learn from them. Get inspiration and support wherever and whenever you can, especially during those times when you’re feeling frustrated or depressed.


Keep your goal in mind

Write a mission statement of being debt-free and when you plan on accomplishing this goal. Post your statement somewhere where you can see it every day, such as on your computer screen or refrigerator. Break down your goal of getting out of debt into smaller goals so you can track your progress. When you pay off a debt, treat yourself in a small way to celebrate. Develop a habit of reading your goal every day.


Learn to compromise

One of the biggest challenges to getting out of debt is learning to compromise and do without some things that you may be accustomed to. If you’re in the habit of having a five-dollar cup of coffee each morning, ditch that habit and get into the habit of making coffee at home. Learn to compromise and develop less expensive habits as you put more money toward your debts.